
220908: Galerie Hubert Winter: Mary Ellen Carroll – Semblable

Galerie Hubert Winter: Mary Ellen Carroll – Semblable Two kinds of identities Mary Ellen Carroll’s fourth exhibit at the Gallery Winter includes numerous literary references and possesses the intensity of a thriller. But this is only the semblance, only part of the hide-and-seek game, which the New York based artist plays with the audience and with her identity as an (white) artist, living and working in a post-American world. Similar to a film director, Carroll arranges her phantom-like art work in a vast variety of her look-alikes and imitations. Like a film her work fulfils what is considered to be deficient or impossible in life. Her dominating neon works “ME LIKE BLACKS” and “BLACKS LIKE ME” are closely connected to the title of the show Semblable (the same, my look-alike), which originated from Baudelaire’s novel “Flowers of evil”. In addition to fictionalizing, uncovering and enveloping, Carroll also deals with the physicality of the term “original” by staging its dissolution and transfiguration as a distinct form of the “Theater of Death”. She presents the burning of her drawings on Long Nook Beach in a 16 mm film. A copy of the destroyed text as well as abstract drawings, created with the ash and charcoal of the destroyed works, are displayed next to each other. On the opening night, the artist dressed like a black musician and played the bass tuba. This performance, together with the pureness conveyed by the pallid surface of a small bust, in which she redefines herself in the role of a poet/artist/model, manifest her sensitivity for the utilization and exchangeable value in the social identity universe. Galerie Hubert Winter 1070 Vienna, Breite Gasse 17, until 11. 10. 2008 www.galeriewinter.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Hubert Winter
1070 Wien, Breite Gasse 17
Tel: +43 1 524 09 76, Fax: +43 1 524 09 76 9
Email: office@galeriewinter.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa 11-14h

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