
010908: Kunsthistorisches Museum: Additions, acquisitions of the Art History Museum 1990 – 2008

Kunsthistorisches Museum: Additions, acquisitions of the Art History Museum 1990 – 2008 A kind of résumé? “Additions, acquisitions 1990 – 2008” is a presentation of those works, which have been added to the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum (KHM) during the Era of Director Seipel. And as he points out: a museum that does not make acquisitions (either in the form of additions or buybacks) disregards the law as well as the instructions of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). According to estimates, the KHM additions and acquisitions of the past 18 years are worth more than eight million Euros. Among the selection of about 150 pieces, which are being exhibited until November, is the Sphinx, whose acquisition raised a lot of dust. Among the buybacks are Emperor Maximilian's II rose petal set, which was probably stolen by the French in 1805, and a small painting by Lucas van Valckenborch “Imperial walk in the woods at Neugebäude Palace”. Valuable instruments were donated by Evelyn and Herbert Axelrod, and another private collector, Rudolf von Strasser, made both donations and sold some of his treasures; among them 300 glasses. But there were also some subtractions – in the form of restitutions. But one of the ten paintings – the portrait of Graf Sinzendorf – a restitution made to Bettina Looram-Rothschild, was given back to the museum as a gift. Kunsthistorisches Museum 1010 Vienna, Burgring 5, until 02.11.08 www.khm.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunsthistorisches Museum
1010 Wien, Burgring 5
Tel: +43 1 525 24 0
Email: info@khm.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 9.00-18.00

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