
250808: Manifesta 7: Manifesta 7

Manifesta 7: Manifesta 7 An introduction The seventh edition of the Manifesta, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, changes its location every two years and has now arrived in the Italian provinces of Trentino-South Tyrol. For the first time these exhibitions were designed for an entire region spanning 150 kilometres in the regions of Rovereto, Trentino, Bolzano, and Fortezza. Considering the vast number of positions (180) and participants (230) one can easily imagine the enormous effort that was necessary to organize this event. In addition, the EU-supported organisation had to cope with the aftermath of the cancelled Manifesta 6 in Nicosia. The international team of curators consisting of Adam Budak, Anselm Franke, Hila Peleg, and Monica Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi and Shuddhabrata Sengupta from the Raqs Media Collective as well as many others, designed a network of coherent and exciting exhibition situations with numerous thematic focal points. However, one aspect remained somewhat underexposed. In a region which used to be the centre of European worker migration and which is characterized by buildings and monuments dating back to Mussolini Faschism, the chance to dock to social and historically relevant aspects was more or less neglected. Contrary to similar large events like the Istanbul Biennial, the Manifesta 7 staged itself apolitically. In a country, in which the debate regarding racist connotations was only recently sparked off on account of Romany children being fingerprinted for registration purposes, this is quite remarkable. However, the presentation of the historical, architectural, and strategic importance of the fortress in Fortezza constitutes an exception. Texts written by 10 authors concentrate on the fortress, which was built as a stronghold against Napoleonic troops. Audio stations allow the visitors to critically reflect on this warlike symbol, which was never employed for its intended purpose and has now been made accessible to the public. The contributions were, among others, made by Mladen Dolar, Thomas Meinecke, Saskia Sassen, Reneé Green or Margareth Obexer. The audio stations will remain even after the Manifesta 7 has been dismantled in the fall. The other Manifesta stations are also more than worthwhile visiting. Visitors should be ready to spare at least two days to indulge in the widespread exhibition, and don't forget to take your critical "dissecting instrument” along. Exhibitions take place at the following venues: Rovereto: Manifattura Tabacchi, Ex Peterlini Trento: Palazzo del Poste Bolzano: Ex Alumix Fortezza: fortress Manifesta 7 Fortezza, Bolzano, Trentino, Rovereto, until 02. 11. 2008 www.manifesta7.it
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Manifesta 7
Franzensfeste, Bozen, Trento, Rovereto,

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