
140708: Galerie Krinzinger: Atelier van Lieshout – Life

Galerie Krinzinger: Atelier van Lieshout – Life Meaningful black crust “Social Utopia”, “Autonomy”, and “alternative life planning” are the buzzwords closely connected to works created by the Atelier van Lieshout (AVL). After the creation of mobile sleeping- and living units, practical approaches to compost toilets and water cleaning systems, founding of the Free State of AVL-Ville as well as many other undertakings, in which individual freedom, equality, independence, as well the balance of power were questioned, the collective created projects in which criticism of the modern achievement-oriented society became increasingly tougher: among them the installations “Disciplinator” and “The Technocrat” stirring up the horror scenario of a labour camp. Humans were represented by modular AVL-men - complacent workers made of fibreglass – and used as a symbol for the uniformity of mass society. These pitch-black figures were made of polyurethane foam, the same material used for the production of mattresses or insulating material. The human body, which according to AVL amalgamates rationality, efficiency and exploitation, is not detached from its functions in this new oeuvre. Even if individual body parts, intertwined groups of figures, and distinctive objects appear like a sculptural mass and are titled “Wall Decoration”. And not even if AVL offers another version of the “The Kiss”, lets a dead dog hang from a tree in reference to Goya’s “Los Desastres della Guerra” or imputes Virgin Mary with three children. The actual topics of this exhibit include processes, which are more existential than one could ever imagine. They deal with the body from its procreation, to its birth until death and decay. “Life” -presented under the rigid crust of this material - is ultimately the driving force, and humans are the material, which at times can be broken. Galerie Krinzinger 1010 Vienna, Seilerstätte 16, until 12. 07. 2008 www.kunstnet.at/krinzinger
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Krinzinger
1010 Wien, Seilerstätte 16
Tel: +43 1 513 30 06
Email: info@galerie-krinzinger.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 12-16 h

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