
070708: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac: Bernhard Martin - God and I already know

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac: Bernhard Martin - God and I already know Perfect Bad Painting Bernhard Martin’s paintings would have fit perfectly to the “Bad Painting” exhibit currently shown at the MUMOK (see this week's English summaries). But it remains unclear if his paintings should be considered as kitsch or more “I-paint-carelessly-on-purpose”. On the one hand he chooses rather kitschy motifs: spaghetti rolled onto a fork, bright-pink moths flying towards a blazing light or cute little villages. On the other hand he transforms faces and bodies into wild, sometimes even psychedelic masses of colour. In surreal scenes bodies meet with globes instead of heads in eerie office-settings, small houses are hurled through clouds, masked people flee from their look-alikes, a man with a butterfly in his mouth sits in front of a dark window, a ghost staring at him. Martin continuously refers to art history, proving that having studied in Leipzig is not a prerequisite for this kind of art. Something that does, however, distinguish him from his Leipzig colleagues, is his ironical approach, sometimes reminding of Martin Kippenberger; and he also lacks Matthias Weischer’s delicate style of painting – something that makes him likeable. However, why an artist who paints such madcap, gloomy pictures, is considered to be a “chronicler of everyday life”, as he is described in the Ropac Gallery press release, remains a mystery – just like his work. Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac 5020 Salzburg, Mirabellplatz 2, until 12. 07. 08 www.ropac.net
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
5020 Salzburg, Mirabellplatz 2
Tel: +43 - 662 881 393, Fax: +43 - 881 39 39
Öffnungszeiten: Im August Mo-Sa 10-18 h
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 10-14 h

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