
300608: Matters of super-reality

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Surreal Things Matters of super-reality This gigantic show includes surreal designer objects, costumes, furniture, architecture, jewellery, fashion, film, and advertisements. Only the best works - the 250 most important objects, paintings, and sculptures, such as Dali’s Lobster Phone, Man Ray’s Cadeau (iron with nails) or Joan Miro’s and Giorgio de Chirico’s costumes, are displayed in Bilbao until September 7. No efforts or money were spared to pay homage to this exceptional art movement, many of whose representatives had close ties with Peggy Guggenheim. The objects are presented in elaborate and stage like rooms, over dimensional showcases and pedestals, with theatrical curtains, fabulously lit and transposed into a super-reality adequate to surrealism. The show was put together in 2007 by the Victoria & Albert Museum, curated by Ghislaine Wood and thematically displayed in seven large rooms in Bilbao. Stage settings, costumes, and designs including Miro’s “Romeo and Julia” and “Jeux d’enfants”, Giorgio di Chirico’s costumes for “Le Bal” (1929) and André Masson’s “Sketch for the Finale” are effectively positioned and complemented with photos and films of the performances. Vases and sculptures by Hans Arp in context with Calder’s mobile, organic lamps, settees with stools by Isamo Noguchi (1948) and photos by Man Ray, Herbert Bayer and Eileen Agar are displayed and for the first time the complete “Model of the Surrealistic Museum” (1942) is shown. The dazzling exhibit of jewellery, shoes, and costumes by Elsa Schiaparelli, who – among others – worked closely with Salvador Dali, is also presented. Alone this theatrically staged room, under the motto “Displaying the Body”, is worth the journey to Bilbao. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao 48001 Bilbao, Avenida Abandoibarra 2, until 07.09.2008 www.guggenheim-bilbao.es
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
48001 Bilbao, Avenida Abandoibarra, 2
Tel: +34 944359080, Fax: +34 944359039
Email: visitante@guggenheim-bilbao.es

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