
160608: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt – Michael Sailstorfer

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt – Michael Sailstorfer Tire with popcorn Michael Sailstorfer’s installation “Time is not a highway” shows a tire driven by a motor and with each rotation it scrapes the wall, first losing its profile and then more and more parts of its surface, and slowly dissolving into dust, strings, and rags. The smell of burnt rubber fills the exhibition space; there is a droning noise. Sailstorfer is exhibiting this installation for the fifth time. The catalogue describes it as “one of the most outstanding works in recent art history.” Last year it was exhibited at the “Made in Germany” exhibit in Hanover. Now Sailstorfer is displaying it at the Schirn in Frankfurt together with four of his most recent works, all characterized by the aesthetics of sophisticated casualness. The Frankfurt show, simultaneously presenting Terence Koh, is probably the most renowned exhibit he has ever been presented in. The 29-year old Sailstorfer has already been a celebrated artist for the past five years. In the meantime three esteemed galleries attend to him, and he has moved to the art-capital Berlin. Sailstorfer is a sculptor, a classical sculptor with respect to the terms of the new and immeasurable possibilities this art form offers. He has installed a popcorn machine at the Schirn, which tirelessly produces popcorn until – at one point - the entire space, the house, and the city will be completely filled up with popcorn. And this is also part of Sailstorfer’s goal - be it tires or popcorn: at some point everything will end in a trashcan or at least as trash. Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Römerberg, until 31. 08. 2008 www.schirn. de
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Römerberg
Email: welcome@schirn.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 11.00-19.00 Uhr, Mi - Sa 11.00-22.00 uhr

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