
090608: Krinzinger Projekte: Andy Coolquitt, Frank Haines, William J. O’Brien

Krinzinger Projekte: Andy Coolquitt, Frank Haines, William J. O’Brien Connecting art of meditation Human beings are human beings, no matter which nationality, culture or religion they belong to. During the past decade the United States has contributed to viewing the world in a different way: by trying to manifest their way of thinking over the entire globe. But some make head against this way of thinking and the current unconventional and courageous exhibit at the Krinzinger Projekte supports these endeavours. At first sight the show focuses on the pink “rag rug”, which stands for Andy Coolquitt’s, Frank Haines’, and William O’Brien’s entire composition – offering a broad humane spectrum in their confrontation with “black-and-white” morals and customs. Andy Coolquitt’s luminaries are forged trash shining with their content of ideas, intent, and enlightenment of the own “self”. If one values the Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine”, William J. O’Brien’s collages and his very personal approach to capitalism and to the exploitation of individual personalities will entertain you. The current political and economic affairs around the globe reflect and constitute the exhibit. Frank Haines, in contrast, has found a metaphysical and meditative approach to his work, and offers relaxation. Krinzinger Projekte 1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 45, until 14. 06. 2008-06-07 www.galerie-krinzinger.at/projekte/
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Krinzinger Schottenfeld
1070 Wien, Schottenfeldgasse 45
Tel: +43 1 512 81 42
Email: schottenfeld@galerie-krinzinger.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 11-14 h

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