
260508: Museum des Nötscher Kreises: 10th Anniversary

Museum des Nötscher Kreises: 10th Anniversary Light reflections Late, but not too late, the “Museum des Nötscher Kreises” was opened on May 16, 1998 in Franz Wiegele's birth house. The museum has become an important cultural venue presenting the life and work of the members of the Nötscher Kreis (Nötscher Circle), which was made up of group of artists, who were either born in the Carinthian Gailtal such as Sebastian Isepp (1884 – 1954) and Franz Wiegele (1887 – 1944) or who moved to Nötsch like Anton Kolig (1886 – 1950) and Anton Mahringer (1902 – 1974). The small town of Nötsch was the most important sphere of life and work for these renowned Expressionists, despite their numerous voyages abroad. This was the main reason to open the museum in this little town. The museum should, however, present itself a little more self-assured: after all, many large exhibitions throughout Austria obtained their pieces from here. On the occasion of its tenth anniversary the museum is displaying well-known works by the four artists as well as pieces, which had never been exhibited here before. One thing all of these paintings have in common is that they were all created in Nötsch. In addition, the paintings of all four artists convey a special, intense and mutual direction of light. The reason may lie in situ: even the inexperienced will discover the unique softness of the summer twilight special to this region of the Carinthian Gailtal, and it is something one seems to rediscover in all of these paintings. Museum des Nötscher Kreises 9611 Nötsch im Gailtal, Haus Wiegele im Gailtal 39, until 01.06.08 www.noetscherkreis.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Museum des Nötscher Kreises
9611 Nötsch im Gailtal, Haus Wiegele im Gailtal 39
Tel: +43 / 4256 / 3664, Fax: +43 / 4256 / 29069
Email: office@noetscherkreis.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 15-19 Uhr

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