
190508: Other than yourself

Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary T-B A21: Other than yourself – An investigation between inner and outer space Topics, theses & talents What is the basis of a good collection? Stringency? Topicality? Diversity? And if the collection itself is already successful, what are the foundations for a successful exhibit of such a collection? Does one prioritize the topic, come up with a thesis or rely on names that are currently on the hot list? “Other than yourself – an investigation between inner and outer space” is the title of the current exhibit at the Thyssen-Bornemiza Art Contemporary. The curator of this show has obviously dealt with contrasting themes, juggled with well-known and newly acquired pieces of the collection, and seemingly en passant conjured Mickhail Bakhtin as the appropriate theoretician for these kinds of dialogue actions - thereby fulfilling the presuppositions of a successful exhibit. Not all of the works shown here, including Roman Signer’s daring helicopter attacks or Hans Schabus’ rather contemplative sewer paddle trip are able to encapsulate the topic. This is, however, achieved by Ján Mancuska with “The Other” as well as by Emanuel Damesch and David Rych. Finally, Boris Ondreicka enables the borderline between inner and outer, upper and lower, private and public, floor and wall, to speak for themselves. Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary T-B A21 1010 Vienna, Himmelpfortgasse 13/9, until 21. 09. 08 www.tba21.org
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (alte Location)
1010 Wien, Himmelpfortgasse 13/9
Tel: + 43 1 513 98 56, Fax: + 43 1 513 98 56 22
Email: office@tba21.org
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 12-18 h

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