
120508: Mannheimer Kunstverein: SchauM

Mannheimer Kunstverein: SchauM Orchestrated hype The exhibit commemorating the 175th anniversary of the Mannheimer Kunstverein aimed at being an event everyone will remember. Andrea Domesle and Jessica Beebone were nominated by the Kunstverein to curate the display and were asked to “really shake and turn the Kunstverein upside down”. And they definitely succeeded. The works of the 20 international artists have the power to transform the space in which they are displayed or to intensively deal with the act of “seeing”. (This could also be an explanation for the word-creation “SchauM”, which is as a combination of the German word for “seeing” (schauen) and the “M” could stand for “Mannheim”). Both the artists as well as the curators really “made a change” to the existing space. The entrance of the building was shifted to the back building. A steel staircase first leads to the roof, where “Trinity” the artwork by Bernhard Bretz and Mathias Holliger is displayed, and from here one can then enter the inner part of the building. At the actual entrance, between two glass doors, Tinka Stock positioned an installation, which is perceivable both from the in- as well as the outside. In the foyer two monitors are set up back-to-back; through Andrea Loux’s video installation they mutate into a kind of continuous closet room through which she climbs like a sleek cat. The works not only make reference to the showroom, or to the topic “space” and “seeing”, but also develop dialogs among one another - something one could also describe as a successful orchestral structure. Mannheimer Kunstverein 68165 Mannheim, Augustaanlage 58, until 25. 05. 08 www.mannheimer-kunstverein.de
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Mannheimer Kunstverein
68165 Mannheim, Augustaanlage 58
Tel: +49 621 402208
Email: info@mannheimer-kunstverein.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 12 - 17, Mi 14-19 h

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