
030508: MAK - Applied Arts / Contermporary Art: Andreas Fogarasi 2008

Tracing the grammar of space The consequence with which Andreas Fogarasi analyzes the grammar of spacial displays once again becomes clear in his current exhibit in the MAK Gallery. His video camera-approach to the interior design of cultural centres located in Budapest attempted to define modernism in public places. The current exhibit takes a closer look at the seemingly different spatial coherences – this time with a photo camera. Fogarasi compares the Paris Automobile Salon “Mondial de l’Automobile” (2004)with the “Pacific Design Center” in Los Angeles, designed by the Argentinean architect Cesar Pelli in 1972. It seems a little provocative that Fogarasi, after analyzing space according to its socially coded functions in his earlier works, is now concentrating on an automobile fair, targeted at increasing sales figures. The juxtaposition of the photos created in Paris with those in West Hollywood are rather startling. Fogarasi encourages the questioning of surfaces and pleads for their critical reading. The Pacific Design Centre blends different kinds of functionalities and thereby allocates culture to business. This development is decoded by Fogarasi’s close-ups of trivial everyday situations or by photos of signs with the inscription “to the trade”. On the other hand, his Paris photographs show how powerful temporary architecture can be, as it is sometimes only set up for a few days. The exhibit is enhanced by an interview with the designer Peter Ghyczy conducted by Fogarasi. The interview was published in a booklet displayed on a table mounted on the wall of the show. Based on an egg-shaped designer chair created in the 70s the comings and goings of fashions in Social Realism are discussed. The booklet functions unpretentiously as a connecting link between Fogarasi’s work and the MAK collection of design- and architectural history. On account of this link the immediate question arises, why such an exhibit was – one could say reclusively - placed in the basement of the MAK, instead of being part of a comprehensive project dealing with the interference of art, architecture and social coherences. MAK Applied Arts / Contemporary Art 1010 Vienna, Stubenring 5, until 14.09.2008 www.mak.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst
1010 Wien, Stubenring 5
Tel: +43 1 711 36-0, Fax: +43 1 713 10 26
Email: office@mak.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di 10-21, Mi-So 10-18 h

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