
210408: WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse

WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse: From Art Nouveau to Art Déco – The Turnov School of Jewellery and Gem Collection Toads and cameos Precious ornamental Art Nouveau figures were not only inspired by butterflies, dragonflies, and seahorses, but also by toads, moths, and beetles. The exhibit of the Turnov School of Jewellery and Gem Collection in the WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse displays impressive products dating from the turn of the century. The drafts and delicate designs of zoological and botanical themes enable the viewer to comprehend the stylization, abstraction, and finally the artistic transformation of these natural paragons. The first European Institute of its kind was founded 1884 in Turnau (Turnov). Within a very short time the “k.u.k. Fachschule für das Schleifen und Fassen von Edelsteinen” (the royal school of applied arts for grinding and setting of gems) experienced a remarkable upswing and in 1904 at the World Expo in St. Louis, the Institute received two gold medals for a broche with Bohemian garnets. This piece of jewellery is also on display in Vienna. In the centre of this Czech collection the development of formal art principles in Central Europe become obvious: commencing with solid Historicism, followed by Art Nouveau and Secession, Bohemian Cubism and Art Déco with French influences, to a kind of Neo-Historicism of the 40s. The school’s specialization on cutting stones implies that it focused on the ornamental setting of gems - garnets as well as rock crystals, cairngorm, jasper, and onyx-cameos. WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse 1018 Wien, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, until 10.05.08 www.ottowagner.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse der BAWAG P.S.K.
1018 Wien, Georg-Coch-PLatz 2
Email: m.pasterk@signa.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Mi, Fr 8-15, Do 8-17:30, Sa 10-17 Uhr

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