
070408: MMKK abstrakt - abstract

Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten: abstrakt – abstract Respectable The current exhibit at the Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten (MMKK) focuses on the genre of abstract art. The Director of the MMKK, Andrea Madeste, curated this show “as a conscious counteraction towards the general focus on ‘new figurative’ painting”. The large exhibit generates a harmonious historical access to the artistic abstraction of the 21st century. But it is more than a didactic educational trail. 25 internationally renowned artists, who have created diverse concepts of abstract art, are presented at this exhibit, whose clever approach conjoins these different positions into a combined, balanced, abstract display. Thereby centre lines of paintings were created, allowing them to communicate with one another. However, none of the artistic positions lose their individual eidetic vigour. In many of the abstract works the seeming abandonment of figurative narration seems to release just this. 25 diverging artistic approaches, nearly just as many art techniques – including plexiglass imaging, assemblages, classic oil paintings, video installations, traditional sculptures, spatially encompassing installations – allow the onlooker to anticipate the theme’s vast extent. The remarkable monumental mirror wall created by the Swiss John M. Armleder transforms the onlooker’s actual “being” to a picture abstraction. Gerhard Richter’s colour intensive oil paintings or Gerald Rockenschaub’s artistic reductions are irresistible. You will find Damien Hirst’s “Portfolio Box” next to the pasty “Schwarzfläche” by Anselm Reyle or Peter Zimmermann’s colours locked into epoxy resin. Tony Cragg’s fibreglass work “Stealth 2005” is somewhat of a prancing abstraction of ease. The French painter’s Bernard Frize broad strokes of brush present abstract colour intensities. The internationality of the artwork makes this exhibit a respectable one, respectable even beyond Carinthia’s borders. Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten 9020 Klagenfurt, Burggasse 8/Domgasse, until 20.04.08
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten
9020 Klagenfurt, Burggasse 8/Domgasse
Tel: +43 50 536 30 507
Email: office.museum@ktn.gv.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-18 Uhr, Do 10-20 Uhr

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