
310308: Siemens art_Lab

Siemens_artLab: Christina Tsilidis – Idealgesicht Beauty as a nightmare scenario Christina Tsilidis' current exhibit at the Siemens_artLab deals with the absurd excesses of the ideals of beauty as the media propagates them. At first the precisely photographed beautiful, bizarre painted faces mounted on the artLab walls seem to direct their eyes toward you with a blank stare. Soon it becomes clear that the “make-up” is a special marking made by cosmetic surgeons to outline the divergence from an abstract ideal of beauty. These marks show how they would transform the faces to seemingly ideal faces. The absurd consequences of a completely uninhibited beauty craze are presented without crossing the borders of ignobility, in contrast to Orlan’s work. The fact that all of the depicted female faces are beautiful and young is extremely irritating. It is a nightmare scenario to think that they could all lose they individual beauty, each characterized by precious and beautiful differences, by being pruned according to the same standards. Siemens_artLab 1010 Vienna, Dorotheergasse 12, until 03.04.08 www.artLab.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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