
270108: Kunstmuseum Stuttgart: In the limelight - Baumeister as a set designer

Kunstmuseum Stuttgart: In the limelight – Baumeister as a set designer Punchinello for connoisseurs With Willi Baumeister’s exhibit of his set designs the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart is reprocessing part of its ample and high-ranking collection. The exhibit succeeds the Kunstmuseum’s meritorious documentation of Oscar Schlemmer’s, Willi Baumeister’s and Franz Krause’s art works, held in May 2007, which were created in the “Laboratorium Lack” (enamel lab) during the Second World War. Numerous expressive sketches and designs for theatre productions, photos of theatre rehearsals and performances, and film as well as music samples supplement the exhibition and make it entertaining for families. In addition the museum has published a highly commendable catalogue – wonderfully detailed as well as carefully and accurately researched. This is proof of how well museums can utilize their potential to undertake scientific research as well as put together attractive exhibitions. Many new aspects can be discovered at this show: Among them Baumeister’s early experimental theatre productions in Stuttgart during the 20s. They were created in the spirit of the early Bauhaus movement with dominant primary colours (like Schlemmer) and nearly Dadaistic furore as well as the “Kasperl-Spiele für große Leute” (Punchinello for adults). This was Baumeister’s last stage design created in 1953, many years after the “Raumskizzen” (room sketches) which he produced during the national socialist “Arbeitsverbot” (work prohibition). Kunstmuseum Stuttgart 70173 Stuttgart, Kleiner Schlossplatz 1, until 10. 02. 08
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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