
270108: Camera Austria: I am not afraid. The Market Photo Workshop Johannesburg

Camera Austria: I am not afraid. The Market Photo Workshop, Johannesburg 100 and still going strong Recently the 100th edition of the Camera Austria magazine was published. This institution, which considers itself to be a project, celebrated its anniversary by presenting artistic photography in a social-documentary context. The exhibit as well as the publication is focused on the Market Photo Workshop, Johannesburg, which was co-founded in the 80s, in the midst of Apartheid, by David Goldblatt. The intention of the workshop was to offer photographic training to people, who would have otherwise have had a dreary future ahead of them. The graduates of this workshop had the chance to utilize the close contacts made to potential employees – both artistically as well as professionally. In this display you will see six types of artistic designs and two projects, in which numerous photographers were involved. Zanele Muholi’s portraits “Faces & Phases” (2006/07) are deeply touching; not only through the aesthetics of black and white photography but also through the background stories of the people involved: everyone who has been photographed is a member of the black lesbian community in South Africa and therefore exposed to severe violence. Nontsikelelo Veleko focuses his work on urban neighbourhoods in two different contexts: on graffiti and on people wearing special outfits. Lerato Maduna presents photographs of soccer games as well as the very impressive series “Back and Forth” showing people involved in risky trading transactions at the South African border. The Camera Austria magazine also functions as a catalogue for the exhibit – it offers explanations on the background of the workshop as well as the deeper meaning and focus of the projects. In his contribution, David Goldblatt thanks the co-founder of Camera Austria, Christine Frisinghelli, for her work, and at the same time clearly expresses his worry concerning the current situation of the state-sponsored workshop, and reminding everyone to stay alert at all times. Camera Austria 8020 Graz, Kunsthaus Graz, Lendkai 1, until 02.03.08
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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