
Lecture: Vanessa Farfán

Lecture with the artist Vanessa Farfán: “The social and the individual”, private and public rules. Using video, drawings and objects as a media, Christine Istad (Norway), Iván Abreu (Mexico), Ale de la Puente (Mexico), Emilio Chapela (Mexico), Laura Lio (Argentina-España), Vanessa Farfán (Mexico), Andreas Töpfer (Germany) show us that from this new perception of time and space emerges the illusion that all the boundaries between nations, people, culture and social rules are diluted to disappear, but in this denial of boundaries is implicit an affirmation: the borders and limits become more defined, specially as confrontation points. Once one has crossed he thin limbo between the digital and material, inside and outside, I and the others , legality and illegality is not possible to remain with a neutral stance. Boundary is an exhibition project supported by The National Council for arts and Culture, CNCA (Mexico), Kunstverein Ingan (Berlin), KHB Weißensee.

Kunstverein INGAN e.V.
10437 Berlin, Buchholzer Strasse 11
Öffnungszeiten: Di, Mi, Do, Fr 11-16 Uhr

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