
Performanceabend: On and beyond a Stage

KünstlerInnen: Laia Fabre, school, Sööt/Zeyringer Performance is a real-time event. There is no attempt to create a poetic fantasy as there is in the theatre. Everyone involved knows it’s happening here and now, to us. But this “us” or “I” is a pretence that is played with, it’s a “self-character-act”, a most valuable and influential component of any performance. The specific approach or style the specific performance artist chooses to deliver a work with becomes a part of the performance’s aesthetics and collected meanings, influencing the ways in which the time-based communication act unfolds. And it should receive its rightful focus. The performance evening “On and beyond a Stage” presents a variety of positions towards the act of performing one’s “self-character-act”.

Kunstraum Niederoesterreich xx
1014 Wien, Herrengasse 13
Tel: +43 1 90 42 111, Fax: +43 1 90 42 112
Email: office@kunstraum.net
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-19; Do 11-20 Uhr; Sa 11-15 Uhr

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