
300614: Bank Austria Kunstforum - Stanley Kubrick – Eyes Wide Open

Bank Austria Kunstforum Stanley Kubrick – Eyes Wide Open 08.05.14 – 13.07.2014 “Real is good, interesting is better” By Patrick Schabus Before Stanley Kubrick graduated from high school, he already sold his photos to the well-known magazine Look, in which photos were more important than text. And already the very first photo that he sold to Look was precisely composed. It depicts a newspaperman sitting in his shop and mourning. Several newspapers with the headline that Roosevelt had died surround him. One of the highlights of the exhibition are the photos from his “Rocky Graziano” report, dated 1950. On the wall next to the photos one can watch a projection of Stanley Kubrick’s first film “The Day of the Fight” is, which is based on the Graziano report. Since the objects presented in this exhibition are directly associated with the photos hanging on the walls, it would have been meaningful to create connections between the exhibited objects. The showcases appear as if they were a concession to those interested; no attempt was made to create a connection between the Look-editions and other objects. This is unfortunately the downside of an otherwise skilfully curated exhibition. Bank Austria Kunstforum 1010 Vienna, Freyung 8 Tel: +43 1 537 33 26 email: office@bankaustria-kunstforum.at http://www.bankaustria-kunstforum.at/ Opening hours: Mon - Sun 10.00-18.00 hours Fri 10.00 - 21.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Bank Austria Kunstforum
1010 Wien, Freyung 8
Tel: +43 1 537 33 26, Fax:
Email: office@kunstforumwien.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-So 10.00-19.00 h
Fr 10.00 - 21.00 h

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