
Talk: Technopolitics and Technofinance

and the role of art as a critical practice. A talk by Brian Holmes with responses by Armin Medosch and Gerald Nestler followed by an open discussion. Brian Holmes, Governing by Risk In this short talk, Brian Holmes will explore the fundamental change that financial derivatives have brought to the political order: the privatization of risk management, which claims to make any political control over economics obsolete. What kind of art could we expect from a derivative government? Brian Holmes is an art and cultural critic living in Chicago. For many years he has examined the intersections between art and political economy. His latest book, “Escape the Overcode: Activist Art in the Control Society” (2009) can be consulted for free, along with his most recent essays, at brianholmes.wordpress.com. (Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache)

Kunstraum Bernsteiner
1020 Wien, Schiffamtsgasse 11 (Hof)
Tel: +43 664 3077097
Email: mail@friendsandart.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 16-19 h

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