
190410: Peter Patzak – Time and eleven rooms and the manufacturing of the sometimes

Galerie Elisabeth Michitsch Peter Patzak – Time and eleven rooms and the production of the sometimes 16.04.10 – 24.04.10 No frame, please! Peter Patzak painted the narrow frame directly onto the painting, no frame – no matter how elegant a wooden or golden frame would be – was meant to disturb the composition, which was well thought out and which does not tolerate anything that could disrupt the artistic or literary thought. He sets a point to the end with fine white stripes. Now it’s finished. Content and form are complete, there is no space for anything else, and all is said in the painting. Peter Patzak created 11 paintings last year, eleven pictures that narrate his life, eleven memories of drastic or sometimes even totally banal encounters and observations that arise out of his life. Eleven rooms, eleven situations, the table that fell from the truck at the Friedrich Engels square, the darkness of the roof-pitch in Nussberg, a niche in the Bronx, and beams in the Chianti, a window front in Weidling. All places of his life, places which have coined him, or which he coined through his attentiveness, observations, and experiences. Places, which are important to him. Or places that define space, a topic his art centres on. The eleven paintings at the Galerie Michitsch depict rooms, quiet, deserted rooms, old walls with melancholy colours, a window, and a door through which nobody enters. They are rooms that lead every onlooker to his own associations. They seduce. Peter Patzak repeatedly paints series, and sets special topics: “Shrines”, “The unequal hours”, “Data”, or “Letters to Perigord”. They are never paintings without mental or literary content and every single one is a piece of living memory. Even if the theme of a series is determined from the outset, the poetic titles only develop during the long process of painting. Painting is a meditative, but sometimes a pensive doing. And for an artist such as Peter Patzak, such a versatile talent, the stories intertwine. Sometimes a picture series develops, sometimes a novel, another time a film, not as an accompaniment but as a continuous string of thought from one media to the next. But in every media, no matter if in painting, film or writing, he is an image seeker, an image creator. And in every medium, it is rooms that he is occupied with. He thinks in rooms when he narrates stories in a film, or writes novels or when he paints. (In a very meticulous form, by the way, which he studied at the Academy and continuously strives to perfect). He is sure that all of his works originate from the same root, from which many strains have developed. A world in pictures, in many pictures. Walter Schurian writes about his “Worlds in picture” and that they are “words immersed into colour”. He describes himself as someone who is not “zeitgeisty” (what ever that may be in a time in which everything is possible), who on the one hand wants to uncover everything, but also want to hide. In any case he wants to remain in himself, in his content and in his inner essentiality. He does not want to disclose everything; it’s meant to stay a secret. This last secret - which will always remain where an artist weights his subconscious and transforms an artistic process. By Angelica Bäumer Galerie Elisabeth Michitsch 1010 Vienna, Opernring 7, Mezzanin Tel: +43 1 512 83 13 Fax: +43 1 512 85 25 email: office@elisabeth-michitsch.at www.elisabeth-michitsch.at Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Elisabeth Michitsch
1010 Wien, Opernring 7, Mezzanin
Tel: +431/512 83 13, Fax: +431/512 85 25
Email: office@elisabeth-michitsch.at
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