
031114: Künstlerhaus Bremen: Armando Andrade Tudela – Nomadism begins at home

Künstlerhaus Bremen Armando Andrade Tudela – Nomadism begins at home 27.09.2014 – 30. 11. 2014 Stages of art? By Raimar Stange For the program accompanying her first 12 months in office, the new artistic head of the Künstlerhaus Bremen, Fanny Gonella, has chosen the motto “artistic production in process”. In line with this motto, Armando Andrade Tudela conceptualised his exhibition “Nomadism begins at home”. It is Tudela’s main aim to research the possibilities of transposing the aesthetics of object-like art into the time-based medium of film. Central to the exhibition of the Peruvian concept artist are three films: „Eli Origin de la Contalbildad“, 2014, „Nomadism Begins at Home (Diptychon),“2014, und „5 Estaciones“, 2014. All of the films were created especially for this exhibition, all on 16mm and all in the style of a documentary, but with a touch of poetic ambiguity. And there is one more thing they all have in common: they can be viewed as an artistic instruction manual. One example is Tuledas short, film “El Origin de la Contalbildad” (1 minute and 30 seconds) in which two of Tudelas assistants exchange white cubic plaster and black ceramic moulds: a ceramic for a plaster mould – moments such as value and circulation are reduced to their minimal form. The question as to who in this swap is the object and who is the subject remains unanswered: are the two assistants taking action or does the shape of the two objects determine the happening? In any case, here we can follow a procedural dialogue between a human with an object, a human with a human, and an object with an object – all in the sense of Bruno Latour’s “Parliament of Things”. In the film “Nomadism Begins at Home”, a young man carries a construction pole with a red plastic bag in a series of different ways. It is remarkable how the artist is able to create artistic qualities with these actually rather succinct goings-on. If nothing else, this is achieved by the decisive colour scheme – blue jacket, red bag, green background – and the precise composition of the young man’s movements. A worthwhile exhibition! Künstlerhaus Bremen 29199 Bremen, Am Deich 68 / 69 Tel: +49 421 508 598 Fax: +49 421 508 305 email: buero@kuenstlerhausbremen.de http://www.kuenstlerhausbremen.de/ Opening hours: Wed - Sun 14-19 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Künstlerhaus Bremen
29199 Bremen, Am Deich 68 / 69
Tel: +49 421 508 598, Fax: +49 421 508 305
Email: buero@kuenstlerhausbremen.de
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 14-19 h

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