
201014: Galerie Andreas Huber: curated by_ Kristina Scepanski: Instrumental Assistance

Galerie Andreas Huber: curated by_ Kristina Scepanski: Instrumental Assistance 03.10.2014 – 08.11.2014 A feel for the digital By Susanne Rohringer Within the framework of the track "curated by_", which this year bears the title "The Century of the Bed", the young German art historian, Kristina Scepanski, has arranged a contribution by Andreas Huber which is well worth seeing. The exhibition is entitled "Instrumental Assistance", and with this, contends that the bed should be thought of as part of our body. From the bed, a view and experience of a disembodied, digital world is made possible. To emphasize this assertion, we are met by a print by Camille Flammarion from 1893 at the entrance. A man is lying on his bed and is handling numerous projects and apparatus. The machines enable him to observe the world as a film on the opposite wall without his having to move out of the bed. To unite this conflict of physical passivity of someone lying prone with the abundance of perceptual possibility is the not too simple theme of this exhibition. And it is a theme that appears to have occupied the contemporary art since the beginnings of picture projection. The historic engraving leads the visitor further in the first room where the works of the young Berliner, Timur Si-Qui, are exhibited. There, the long aluminium plates on which material-like colours in grey and mauve have been applied, are to be seen. It portrays yoga mats which have been burnt on aluminium in the oven. Thus, the couch blends with the background so that a superfluous coloured impression is the only impression that remains. Here, too, the viewer experiences a loss of the haptic and the physical. In the same room, a film by the young New Yorker, Tabor Robak, further emphasizes this assertion. In the video "20XX", a science fiction city world is imagined with high rise blocks, flying objects, lights and advertising banners whose film sections are denoted by running drops of water. The water drops run down as on a glass plate in front of the world which cannot be entered but which lures us viewers as if by magic. Here, too, a longed-for place is imagined in a digital distance. The New Yorker, Jon Rafman, shows how such longed-for places might look in the digital era by means of videos and C prints. From the website, he got large museum pictures by famous artists such as El Lissitzky and his partner, Lybov Popova, by Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt, and mounted them as a type of all-embracing décor in an interior design. Inner spaces reminiscent of commercial interest were created whose decor can be found on fountain pens or matchboxes in many museum shops the world over. At the end of the exhibition, after so much abundance, the visitor is met with an inviting object by the American artist, Tom Burr. It's a red camping bed on which lies the open text in English "Against Interpretation" by Susan Sontag. One wants to sit down, linger and leaf through this book. In this essay, Sontag also criticizes some over-interpretation of art and asks that the sensory perception of art not be forgotten. A remarkable suggestion in light of our digital picture world. Galerie Andreas Huber 1040 Vienna, Schleifmuehlgasse 6-8, Tel: +43 1 586 02 37 Fax: +43 1 586 02 37 Email: art@galerieandreashuber.at http://www.galerieandreashuber.at Opening hours: Tue – Fri 11.00 – 18.00 hours, Sat 11.00 – 15.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Andreas Huber
1040 Wien, Schleifmühlgasse 6-8
Tel: +43-1-586 02 37, Fax: +43-1-586 02 37
Email: art@galerieandreashuber.at
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

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