
280714: Kunsthalle Krems: Martha Jungwirth – Retrospective

Kunsthalle Krems Martha Jungwirth – Retrospective 13.07.2014 – 09.11.2014 Crocodile in the Carp Pond By Angelica Bäumer Martha Jungwirth belongs to the most interesting of Austrian artists and that without confinement to the female form. Although a Martha Jungwirth exhibition in the Krems Kunsthalle is justified to the not round, but relatively old, birthday, namely the 74th, she is ageless and, like all truly good artists young and fresh and curious and industrious, always curious about what's new. Her themes are landscapes, diverse objects and portraits, but nothing representational or even mellifluous. It's atmospheres that she perceives in certain themes, it's expression and association of that which has been lived and thought up, remembrances of loved people, observations, also from her many trips to exotic countries. She approaches a picture in an abstract and apparently unintentional manner, but yet with compassion, one feels the movement, the rhythm of the huge gesture. Martha Jungwirth is often apostrophised as an "unknown" in the art scene but she's not, even if there weren't all that many exhibitions. But what exhibitions! When, for example, Otto Breicha brought several painters together for an exhibition in the Secession in 1960 and called these completely different artists "realities". These were the realities of that time, from Wolfgang Herzig to Robert Zeppel-Sperl, from Kurt Kocherscheid, Franz Ringel to Peter Pongratz. They were all young, had just finished their studies and entered the world of the art scene. And among them, the 20-year old Martha Jungwirth. Alfred Schmeller called this group, which actually wasn't one, the "Crocodile in the Carp Pond". The crocodile, Martha, later became his wife. It wasn't the galleries or the so-called "art scene" that took notice of Martha Jungwirth, but the most important personalities among the art observers and exhibition makers: Otto Breicha, Harald Szeemann and Alfred Schmeller. Krems shows a particularly beautiful and clever exhibition, which has been put together by Hans-Peter Wipplinger. It shows works from all creative periods and one experiences the artist's path from the beginning to the present. She was never forgotten and the fact that the art scene doesn't tantalise her but rather scares her, was surely good and meaningful for her work. So she was able to work in peace and occasionally in total privacy and because she never had to conform, there are no empty phrases, nothing superficial or vain about Martha Jungwirth. The pictures are wonderfully full of freshness and life, each one is a world in itself and it is good that they have been hung casually and that the individual pictures can be looked at and understood in a relaxed setting. Kunsthalle Krems 3500 Krems, Franz-Zeller-Platz 3 Tel: +43-2732 90 80 10 Fax: +43-2732 90 80 11 E-mail: office@kunstalle.at http://www.kunsthalle.at Opening hours: Tue-Sun and Mon if public holiday 10-18 hours; in wintertime 10-17 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunsthalle Krems
3500 Krems, Franz-Zeller-Platz 3
Tel: +43-2732 90 80 10, Fax: +43-2732 90 80 11
Email: office@kunstalle.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So und Mo wenn Feiertag 10-18 Uhr; in den Wintermonaten 10-17 Uh

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