
280714: Startgalerie im MUSA: Kirsten Borchert – Transformer

Startgalerie im MUSA Kirsten Borchert – Transformer 27.06.2014 – 28.08.2014 Otto Neurath's wild grandchild By Wolfgang Pichler The dominant object of this show is, without doubt, a 3x3 m large picture composed of roof battens, press board sheets and colour that gives something like a cryptic pictogram in a simplified form. What Otto Neurath developed in the first decades of the 20th century as the most clearly legible picture language here becomes an erratic, illegible but aesthetically appealing art object. The post-moderne dubiousness and ambiguity is brought into play in this grandiose installation with the language of the Moderne. Naturally, arrows and beams, as well as other extremely simplified forms, are not exclusively modern, much less limited to pictograms. The type of presentation is strongly reminiscent of direction signs but makes one involuntarily think of the work of Otto Neurath, the pioneer of the modern form language. Albeit, the forms here are central. Latest, when one sees the single, not yet mounted slabs leaning against the opposite wall of the room with the same symbols, it becomes clear that the artist brings a further theme of classical modernism into play. The vocabulary, of which Borchert's art consists, is again dissected in a completely deconstructivistic manner, thereby enabling the possibility of putting many other pictures, as desired, into the room in the true sense of the word. The second, but no less spectacular, yet completely different, art work, that immediately stands out is a sculpture constructed out of plywood and concrete. Yet again, it has to do with the clear right-angled, geometric language of constructivism – something along the lines of El Lissitzky or Suetin – which becomes broken and counteracted through the application of coarsely moulded clumps of concrete. Above all, it's fascinating here that the board that should force the concrete material into form results in a geometric structure, whilst the moulded mass seems to escalate untamed and often settles on this structure as if it had been thrown onto it. An analogy of the post-moderne to the moderne is imposed on looking at this sculpture. That all of this is also aesthetically appealing and is not too academic, makes this exhibition definitely recommendable. Startgalerie im MUSA 1010 Vienna, Felderstraße 6-8, next the Town Hall http://www.musa.at/ Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 11-18, Thu 11-20, Sat 11-16 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Startgalerie im MUSA
1010 Wien, Felderstraße 6-8, neben dem Rathaus
Tel: +43 1 4000 8400, Fax: +43 1 4000-99-8400
Email: musa@musa.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di, Mi, Fr 11-18, Do 11-20, Sa 11-16 h

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