
160614: Franz Josefs Kai 3: Philadelphia Connection - >>an ocean in between the waves<< young art positions of the Penn MFA

Franz Josefs Kai 3 Philadelphia Connection - >>an ocean in between the waves<< young art positions of the Penn MFA program (2012 – 14) 28.05.2014 – 25.06.2014 Benchmark University By Margareta Sandhofer Under the direction of the Canadian artist, Ken Lum, and following six months of teamwork with the curator, Roland Schöny, thirteen graduates from an art university in Philadelphia have put an exhibition into practice in the premises located in the Franz Josefs Kai 3 in Vienna's First District. The training at the interdisciplinary Fine Arts Department at PENN University is versatile and involves an intensive, permanent challenge for the students from many different nations. Accordingly, the different positions in the exhibition show a medial and contextual diversity as well as impressive autonomy, without compromising the overall impression of a group exhibition. Amongst others, works shown are those by the young artists Sam Mapp, Theo Mullen, Laura Bernstein, Dan O’Neill, Paz Ortúzur, and Clair Bidwell, The young artists' presentation has succeeded, the individual positions are convincing, the synopsis indicates an impressive potential that operates highly professionally. The requirements and the collaboration of those involved appear to be optimal, the resident art universities will now be compared with these standards. Franz Josefs Kai 3 1010 Vienna, E-mail: office@franzjosefskai3.com http://www.franzjosefskai3.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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FJK3 – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst
1010 Wien, Franz Josefs Kai 3
Email: office@franzjosefskai3.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 12-18, Fr 12-20 h

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