
240314: Galerie Hubert Winter - Helga Philipp

Galerie Hubert Winter Helga Philipp 07.03.2014 - 03.05.2013 Give the observer responsibility By Margareta Sandhofer In the 60's, Helga Philipp (1939-2002) was counted amongst the avantgarde of the concrete and constructive as well as the kinetic artists. Today, she is frequently associated with the term of Op Art, which, albeit, is far too often banalized as effective dalliance with optical phenomena, which, for Helga Philipp's work would be a completely insufficient classification. Back then, Helga Philipp was an active pioneer of the then new kinds of materials or innovative usages, such as cling film and screen printing on glass and plexiglass. As the Hubert Winter Gallery now presents in the selective cross-selection of works from the 60's and 70's, she concentrates on basic shapes such as the square, the oblong and the circle and, based on the reiteration and variation of this module, developed a stringent, immanent picture regularity. In the eight-part series of drawings (1978), a line band with various folds develops a spacious effect and appears to stretch horizontally over the edge of the pages. In "Kinetic Object" (1966-68), a dynamic creates itself already in the cumulative, perspective contortion of a single, repetitive square on the plexiglass plate, which is then blended as a second level into the mirror image, which lies behind it. In "Kinetic Object" (1971), she multiplies the strategy with rings in several layers and a mirrored background into which, additionally, the observer can see him/herself in the story. With the changing of the perspective by the observer, the tectonic austerity of the structure is loosened. The individual picture elements free themselves from their precise, geometric framework through their movement and take on a life of their own – in order to latch on to a new connection. Static and dynamic of the space's diversity are dependent on the reception. Thus, the observer is prompted to change his position constantly. The topicality of Helga Philipp's work lies in the amalgamation of reality and virtuality in the determination of awareness of space and time by means of the interference between object and observer. The eye is at first irritated, the observer gradually fascinated and experiences every marginal movement of his location as a small, sensual sensation. Galerie Hubert Winter 1070 Vienna, Breite Gasse 17 Tel: +43 1 524 09 76 Fax: +43 1 524 09 76 9 E-mail: office@galeriewinter.at http://www.galeriewinter.at Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11 – 18 hours, Sat 11 – 13 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Hubert Winter
1070 Wien, Breite Gasse 17
Tel: +43 1 524 09 76, Fax: +43 1 524 09 76 9
Email: office@galeriewinter.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa 11-14h

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