
100214: Galerie bechter kastowsky: Klasse Herbert Brandl – Masters of the Northern Lights

Galerie bechter kastowsky: Klasse Herbert Brandl – Masters of the Northern Lights 16.01.2014 – 01.03.2014 Potential from the North By Margareta Sandhofer Almost simultaneously with their teacher, five of Herbert Brandl’s students at the Düsseldorf Art Academy are exhibiting their work in Vienna. The artists present their work at Bechter Kastowsky with such a high level of professionalism and autonomy that nobody would come up with the idea that this was a “student exhibition”. Despite the fact that Brandl is renowned for his mountain paintings, Levente Szücs chose to paint mountains. Szücs’ paintings are precise portraits of mountain contours and are diametrically opposed to the ones created by Brandl. Christian Seidler experiments with oil and acrylic as if they were coal and fire; his works convey a sensual and immediate visual language. With her realistic, sensuous aquarelles and her miniature plaster models Johanna Honisch pursues a compelling conceptual procedure and Jenny Delhasse advocates classical painting with her predominantly small-format portraits. And Alicia Viebrock arrives at a significant and very spontaneous meaning of her pictures using powerful grand gestures. Set against a scenic abstract background she sets energetic markings to landscapes characterised by a grim, disturbing and at times desolate romanticism that are occasionally torn open by flaring lights. The artistic positions presented at this exhibition are characterised by a high level of professionalism that is mainly attributable to Herbert Brandl’s teaching style. This group exhibition is inspiring; a collective artistic potential, despite all its diversity, is tangibly present. Galerie bechter kastowsky 1010 Vienna, Gluckgasse 3 / Mezzanin Tel: +43 1 512 16 09 email: robert@bechterkastowsky.com http://www.bechterkastowsky.com/ Opening hours: Thu - Fri 10-19 hours, Sat 10-15 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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bechter kastowsky galerie
1010 Wien, Gluckgasse 3/Mezzanin
Tel: +43 1 512 16 09
Email: robert@bechterkastowsky.com
Öffnungszeiten: Do - Fr 10-19, Sa 10-15 h

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