
010713: 21er Haus: Gelatin – Loch

21er Haus Gelatin – Loch 05.06.2013 – 29.09.2013 In the Styrofoam mine By Nina Schedlmayer Those who entered the huge hall of the 21er Haus this June mainly asked themselves: why isn’t it possible to watch artists at work more often? The atmosphere that Gelatin created in its exhibition “Loch” (hole) was incomparable: while a young man in a torn wedding dress was swinging a beer bottle and joyously hopped through the room, a naked man worked on a sculpture, and the noise musician Philipp Quehenberger produced spherical and deafening sounds, the Gelatins and friends abseiled themselves from the ceiling onto an eight meter high Styrofoam cube, which they worked on in every conceivable way. Observing them reminded of workers in a mine: they drilled, dug, flailed the material with axes, cut and sawed, the physical effort was obvious. The shapes that evolved were subsequently filled and then assembled as sculptures - together with Styrofoam lumps and partially broken furniture. The final products of this amusing study on deconstruction and construction surround the remaining Styrofoam torso. The partly demolished chairs positioned side by side at a table seem to expect the return of the sizeable group. Porous Styrofoam encounters hardened concrete, broken objects encounter intact objects – opposites play a major role in Gelatin’s sculptural parcours. A pity that the working process is not visible, but even if the atmosphere can hardly be transmitted by video, one could at least have incidentally placed a video somewhere in the corner. The happening was sensational. 21er Haus 1030 Vienna, Schweizergarten / Arsenal-Strasse 1 Tel: +43 1 795 57 – 0 Email: info@belvedere.at http://www.21erhaus.at/ Opening hours: Wed – Sun 10 – 18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Belvedere 21
1030 Wien, Schweizergarten/Arsenal-Straße 1
Tel: +43 1 795 57-0
Email: info@belvedere.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 10-18 h, Mi, Fr bis 21 h

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