
170613: Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels : Little bit of history deleting

Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels Little bit of history deleting 24.05.2013 – 15.07.2103 The expansion of historicity By Bariaa Mourad Characteristic for a trend in the contemporary artistic practice as in this exhibition of the curator, Isin Önol, is an implied connection to reality. The analytical in-depth expansion of historicity – as opposed to journalism – effectively re-enlivens a central function of art as a critical observer of social development. The exhibition "Little bit of history deleting", wants to confront the visitor with conscious and unconscious recollections such as narrative pictures and official iconographs of the prevailing culture (?akir Gokcebag) or Nation (Peter Hoiss), in which the person is involved. Recollection, history and biography, which should be mediated here, never represent a unified block but consist of a multitude of individual and collectively fragmented recollections in which reality and fiction are woven into one another and are continually rewritten to fit the current requirements (Mirko Lazovic, Eva Beierheimer, Miram Laussegger, Faith Aylogdu), yes, struggle with each other for supremacy and so form a place for the production of more complex and thus more contestable chronicles. Strategies develop continually within the context of globalisation, striving accordingly to establish the prevailing challenge's "authenticity" as a source of the superficial differentiation of a never changing goal with higher medial demand which tries to break through the approach of this exhibition. Document as a work of art or the reverse ....? Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels 1010 Vienna, Sonnenfelsgasse 6 Tel: +43 1 236 9 236 Fax: +43 1 236 9 236 9 E-mail: galerie@peithner-lichtenfels.at http://www.peithner-lichtenfels.at Opening hours Tue-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-16 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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GPL Contemporary
1010 Wien, Sonnenfelsgasse 6
Tel: +43 1 236 9 236, Fax: +43 1 236 9 236 9
Email: galerie@peithner-lichtenfels.at
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

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