
250313: Mumok Museum moderner Kunst - Franz West. Where is my Eight?

Mumok Museum moderner Kunst Franz West. Where is my eight? 23.02.2013 – 26.05.2013 Divan and interior By Daniela Gregori Of course it would have been nicer, after having taken off my shoes to rest on the bench, to be served a glass of curaçao every hour, and test what the color feeling would be like after having enjoyed a bottle. But that will unfortunately not be possible because the instruction for the instruction prevents it. Therefore the arrangement consisting of a low pedestal, similar to a studio floor, a bench as well as a stand with a UFO-like structure including glasses and a dispenser for the blue drink, remains untapped. Would it have been different if Franz West was still alive? Definitely not. But this may only have actuarial reasons. In general, West’s work is participatory, it demands a dialogue with the recipients and their reactions become part of the art work. Everything but pathos, no theses and postulations, let alone an indoctrination of the viewer was the artist’s principle; otherwise everything could easily be completely different. The dilemma on how to deal with West’s untapped (Passstücke) Adaptives in a museum context does not become clear before the 1980s. Before then, they were merely viewed by West’s private entourage. In his early exhibitions, they leaned against the wall with the expressive invitation to use them, then the classic form of presentation, the pedestal, was transformed to a repository, later the oeuvre changed in the direction of a “legitimate sculpture” made of papier-mâché, and the furniture soon followed. Seveal museum copies were produced for this exhibition. The balancing act between a “play-along-exhibition” and conservation is definitely successful. The exhibition “Where is my Eight” was still conceptualized by Franz West, and the first selection of works was undertaken together with Ines Turian - and now the exhibition is his first posthumous presentation. It focuses on works that comprise numerous artefacts, also by other authors. Already during his lifetime, combination and recombination was a popular style method to give the objects a lapidary significance - and now this turns out to be a clever concept for an exhibition with a claim to be a retrospective. These arrangements encompass, apropos of nothing, the entire breadth of West’s oeuvre and the collaborations with other colleagues. West described himself as a “Befindlichkeitshersteller” (sensitivity producer): along these lines, the exhibition can be considered to be successful, one enjoys it buoyantly and joyfully - even without curaçao. mumok Museum moderner Kunst 1070 Vienna, MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1 Tel: +43 1 52 500 Fax: +43 1 52 500 13 00 email: info@mumok.at http://www.mumok.at Opening hours: Daily: 10.00–18.00 hours, Thu: 10.00–21.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien
1070 Wien, Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 52 500, Fax: +43 1 52 500 13 00
Email: info@mumok.at
Öffnungszeiten: Täglich: 10.00–18.00 Uhr, Do: 10.00–21.00 Uhr

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