
110313: Kunsthaus Graz - Berlinde De Bruyckere – Incarnate

Kunsthaus Graz Berlinde De Bruyckere – Incarnate 15.02.2013 – 12.05.2013 In the flow of life By Nora Theiss With Berlinde de Bruyckere, the Belgian representative at this year’s Biennale in Venice, the Kunsthaus Graz presents an artist that is everything but loud and pompous, but rather silent and unpretentious – personal, and immersed in her work. “Incarnate”, as in corporeality, which is intrinsic in this artist's sculptures, on the one hand sounds like Christian idealization, but on the other, like something very earthy, corporeal, that which constitutes De Bruyckere’s work. The flowing, which is a specific aspect of the exhibition, appeals to curator Katrin Bucher-Trantow. Onlookers seem to glide along the wall that winds through the room – black here, white there - from one sculpture to the next. Cross references and clues to our cultural history can be discovered in the sculptures that are made of stacked parts of exact casts of human and animal body parts as well as plants that – in their de-construction – are transformed into an entity. Piled on a pedestal resembling an altar, one finds Actaeon, the young hunter from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, whose random encounter with Artemis led to his death. The deer antlers are not only an expression of life but also of death. The reference to the material plays an important role in De Bruycker’s work. In the wall’s crevice, protected as if in a cave, her work “The Wound” is presented – a hanging sculpture that focuses on the wounded bodies of female cancer patients. Photos, films, books, art works – all of these are starting points for Berlinde De Bruycker’s touching sculptures. The vehemence of two horse bodies piled on a rusty scaffold – “Le Deux” is amazing; one senses the war, the wasting away and the suffering. This exhibition is not measured in large by its quantity, but it is measured in large by the quality of the work presented. Berlinde Du Bruyckere creates a universe of human existence in the flow of life and death. Kunsthaus Graz 8020 Graz, Lendkai 1 Tel: +43/316/8017-9200 Fax: +43/316/8017-9800 email: info@kunsthausgraz.at http://www.kunsthausgraz.at Opening hours: Tue - Sun 10-18 hours, Thu 10-20 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunsthaus Graz
8020 Graz, Lendkai 1
Tel: +43/316/8017-9200, Fax: +43/316/8017-9800
Email: info@kunsthausgraz.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 Uhr

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