
171212: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt - Privacy

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt Privacy 01.11.2012 – 03.02.2012 Public Privacy By Daniela Gregori “Privacy is an obsolete social norm” Mark Zuckerberg commented on privacy and its protection. He would know. But Facebook is not the only source through which we learn things about our fellow men that we seldom want to know. At times, one could feel embarrassed for others. The Schirn Kunsthalle devotes its exhibition “Privacy” to the phenomenon of the denouement of privacy to post-privacy – not in everyday life, but in art. Already for years, Nan Goldin has been offering us insight into the activities of her milieu, Sophie Calle masterfully stages her fictitious private life and, already in 1959, Stan Brakhage filmed the birth of his daughter. In 1963, Andy Warhol watched over the sleep of his friend John Giorno, Tracey Emin proves that one is eligible for the Turner Prize with an unmade, diversely utilized bed and Ai Weiwei lets us take part in his life, his environment, and the injustices he faces via twitter. The at all times accessible plethora of images in digital media turns out to be a true repository for comparable arrangements claiming to be art. After all, everyone takes pains to appear either especially distinct or at least especially original and, not surprisingly, these characteristics of singularity manifested in the Internet can fill entire walls if not rooms. For example, “The Unconscious” by Mark Wallinger shows an assemblage of people who fell asleep in means of public transport. Mike Bouchet’s “Untitled Video” (2011), an all-over comprised of 10,000 stamp-sized single shots contains adult content. And in the midst of this closeness to real life and absolute privacy, you will find - unmediated, uncommented and totally out of place - Birgit Jürgenssen’s housewive’s kitchen apron from 1974. In 1984, the exhibition “Arena of Privacy” in the Munich Kunstverein also dealt with this topic, however in a much less open-minded way. Jürgenssen, with her multifaceted work would have fit in perfectly. Lets consider it a late form of redemption. Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Römerberg email: welcome@schirn.de http://www.schirn.de Opening hours: Tue – Sun 11.00 – 19.00 hours, Wed – Sat 11.00 – 20.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Römerberg
Email: welcome@schirn.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 11.00-19.00 Uhr, Mi - Sa 11.00-22.00 uhr

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