
100912: Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg John Cage and … Visual artist, influences, impulses

Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg John Cage and … Visual artist, influences, impulses 15.07.2012 – 07.10.2012 Much Ado and the Nothingness By Stephan Maier 1952 was a relatively important year for Nothingness. Samuel Beckett, the poet of silence, published “Waiting for Godot”, Robert Rauschenberg began his “White Paintings” and Guy Debord produced his anti-extravaganza film “Hurlements en faveur de Sade”. On the other hand, John Cage’s “4’33” initiated a new chapter in music history: music, from now on, could be limited to the conventions of a concert; the audience produced its own “sound cloud” with murmuring, coughing and moving chairs, while the “interpreter” remained silent. If the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg devotes an extensive exhibition marking the 100th birthday of the high priest of silence during the noisy Salzburg Festival, then that is a statement in itself. The show documents not only John Cage’s impact on art but also the influence of European Modernism on John Cage – e.g. through Klee, Kandinsky and Co.. His impact on the Fluxus movement and his professional and personal collaboration with dance-guru Merce Cunningham are also excessively documented in Salzburg. All of this is enlightening. But it is also evident that the work of the visual artist can in no way keep pace with the revolutionary and avant-Garde spirit of his “compositions”. Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg 5020 Salzburg, Mönchsberg 32 Tel:+43 662 84 22 20 – 403 Fax: +43 662 84 22 20 – 700 Email: info @mdmsalzburg. At http://ww.museumdermoderne.at Opening hours: Tue to Sun 10.00 – 18.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg
5020 Salzburg, Mönchsberg 32
Tel: +43 / 662 / 84 22 20-403, Fax: +43 / 662 / 84 22 20-700
Email: info@mdmsalzburg.at
Öffnungszeiten: täglich 10-18 h, Mi 10-20 h

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