
311011: Kunstverein das weisse haus AVPD: Weiss; Tatiana Lecomte; Jakob Neulinger – Reception Room

Kunstverein das weisse haus AVPD: Weiss; Tatiana Lecomte; Jakob Neulinger – Reception Room 28.09.11 – 03.12.11 Park profoundly programmatically Art is not a lady that comes around for a visit. In general, one would have to visit her and one probably won’t even be offered a seat. The word “TRUST”, is written on the wall adjoining the parking lot in front of the Weisse Haus in white letters on a blue background (Gerhard Himmer). On the second floor, a door opens to a narrow and artificially lit office corridor. In the room to the left (Project Room with Jakob Neulinger’s “Reception Room”, to be seen until 17 November 2011) there is a brass-coloured tube guiding system spanned from floor to ceiling and next to it is the three-part brand of an automobile manufacturer with a double-coloured granite cover. An unfriendly looking stuffed owl is sitting on a dry twig in a corner. A corridor, flanked by video projections featuring interviews with artists, leads to a variety of rooms showing colour photographs all depicting a happy woman, which are hung next to black-and-white photos of the Führer (Tatiana Lecomte). The vast majority of these photos originate from an archive found on the street. Most of the photos show a woman in a large variety of poses; the shots were taken over the course of many decades and she obviously had an unburdened relationship with the photographer. Positioned between the woman’s photos are pictures of the Führer driving an automobile. This juxtaposition is consciously arranged with a certain degree of obscenity, and anyone who doesn’t like encountering obscenities, has every reason to be angry. A room with four rectangular curtain tracks with light and gleaming white cloth curtains hanging from them is transformed into a body-reflecting chamber of veils. (Danish artist duo AVPD). One can take another door out of the labyrinth and find oneself on the other side of an electro chromatic window, shimmering as if a mirror or frosted glass. Furthermore, there are numerous drawings and light projections created by the Danish artist duo as well as a light installation (Corinne L. Rusch). Art is not a distinguished lady that calls in for a visit and a chat. Art is more like a gym teacher with a harsh voice, persistently summoning us to practice our senses and to give sense a new perspective. When she says: “TRUST” one can ask her why she is speaking English. And she is generous and allows us to come up with an answer. By Gesche Heumann Kunstverein das weisse haus 1050 Vienna, Geigergasse 5-9, 2.Floor http://www.dasweissehaus.at Opening hours: Tue – Fri 15 – 20 hours, Sat 12 – 17 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunstverein das weisse haus (alter Standort)
1010 Wien, Wollzeile 1, 4. + 5. Stock
Email: buero@dasweissehaus.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di - Fr 14:00 – 19:00, Sa 12:00 – 17:00 Uhr

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