
031011: Galerie nächst St. Stephan Ernst Caramelle – This time around, completely abstract

Galerie nächst St. Stephan Ernst Caramelle – This time, completely abstract 14.09.11 to 29.10.11 Painting with consistent idea In the course of revitalizing the old art genres in the 1980's, an impulsive mural art revival took place in Austria. A comprehensible, subversive counter-proposal in the land of post-baroque illusionary art. At that time, Ernst Caramelle, made great impressions with his antique-finished mural works in the form of geometric colour-field paintings in the Graz Art Association where, in the 1970's, he had already attracted attention with a series of ironic video performances. As capricious conceptualist and pragmatist of the art of ideas, he transported differentiating, traditional and new media into new contexts whereby changeability and fine traces were prevalent and switched between drawing, video, room installation, painting, catalogue or photography. Caramelle's conceptual approach to painting is apparently divest of every narrative basis. And yet his formalized works try to testify something about perception, adoption of ideas, art and its production requirements. The invitation cards or the exhibition's poster of 2011 don't cater to a mental exercise but rather to the laconic title “Diesmal Ganz Abstrakt” ("This time completely abstract"). En passant, with such constrained discourse, one thinks preferably about the antithetical, such as the painting with the questionable title "Abstract Painting Must Die Now" by Albert Oehlen or not least Ingo Nussbaumer's label, "Inabstract Art". This finds the notion of abstract merely as an under-developed metaphor for the uncovering of the capabilities and dispositions of the representation of the real and things. However, in his malpractice, Caramelle not only implies post-moderne scepticism but also the significance of parody. The classical canvas is avoided. His current exhibition is dominated by floor-to-ceiling, flat relief-like mural art in watercolour and pigment. The dividing walls of the white cubic gallery are broken in several places by folded geometric architectonic shapes and, together with a combination of smaller works on paper or wood, lead one to realize that traditional painting is still capable of producing appropriate symbolic forms for the sentiment of the world and things. It divides the rooms, displaces the perspectives and, from a cultural point of view, refers to different contrary production velocities. Parts of the exhibition are, naturally, time-retentive with the sun's "painted" light – the classic in the artist's oeuvres – and further, compositions in chip aesthetic and pointers to the relatively new artistic tool of the small screen "computer" whose realization took seven years. The artist disallows the flood of pictures, which always increases the power of this medium, and remains true to his idea which time will evaluate over a longer period. By Goschka Gawlik Galerie nächst St. Stephan 1010 Vienna, Grünangerg. 1/2 Tel: +43 1 5121266 Fax: +43 1 5134307 email: galerie@schwarzwaelder.at http://www.schwarzwaelder.at Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11.00-18.00, Sat 11.00-16.00
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder
1010 Wien, Grünangerg. 1/2
Tel: +43 1 5121266, Fax: +43 1 5134307
Email: galerie@schwarzwaelder.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 12-18h
Sa: 11-16h

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