
031011: Startgalerie in the MUSA Maureen Kaegi - Where the surface is

Startgalerie in the MUSA Maureen Kaegi - Where the surface is 09.09.11 to 06.10.11 Graphite and Stardust A monumental pencil drawing over three metres high and what appears to be an even more enormous crumpled piece of paper dominate this show, which has only six works on display. In an "all-over" manner, the drawing shows points, which become whiter and thicker against the dark grey area of a starry sky. Whereby the poetical power of this work emerges, in essence, through what is for a pencil drawing an extremely large piece of paper in relation to the entirety of the room. Thus, the exhibition should preferably be seen as an entity and less than six different works. Above all, the crumpled piece of paper – probably in similar format – engenders a pleasant excitement as an opposite pole to the above-mentioned "starry sky". To gaze into the never-ending space against this boulder-like "paper bundle" makes one feel very small. It's the phenomena (which the artist has assumed) that what can be seen on the surface is not that which is allegedly meant at a deeper level. The same can be seen in the work "Branch 1" which shows, indistinctly, a bare tree by night whose branches almost seem to cut the dark night sky like streaks of lightening. A large-format wall drawing which, for the most part, consists of a thick, very complex-structured layer of graphite, reminds one in its materiality - as well as in its relatedness to the room - of Richard Serra and his lead sculptures. Here, it would appear, material, form and technique are taken very seriously but are not seen as a single content of art. Therefore, the works of the artist, born 1984, serve as projection surfaces for the ideas and feelings of the observer, and create room for one's own thoughts as opposed to those, which the artist seeks to exemplify. By Wolfgang Pichler Startgalerie im MUSA 1010 Vienna, Felderstraße 6-8, next to the Town Hall Tel: +43 (0)1 4000 8400 email: musa@musa.at http://www.musa.at/startgalerie Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri: 11:00-18:00; Thu 11:00-20:00; Sat 11:00-16:00
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Startgalerie im MUSA
1010 Wien, Felderstraße 6-8, neben dem Rathaus
Tel: +43 1 4000 8400, Fax: +43 1 4000-99-8400
Email: musa@musa.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di, Mi, Fr 11-18, Do 11-20, Sa 11-16 h

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