
210311: Strabag Kunstforum Aurelia Gratzer – shaft

Strabag Kunstforum Aurelia Gratzer – shaft 25.02.11 – 25.03.11 Magnificently decorative In SHAFT, Aurelia Gratzer, born 1978, presents beautiful paintings that match the Artlounge's austere and modern architecture. Gratzer’s probably most outstanding large-format acrylic painting is effectually positioned immediately next to the entrance area. The painting called “Rata Tata” offers a well composed and harmonious choice of colours while the other works appear as if they continuously followed the same pattern of abstracting photos from a attlifestyle magazine, lacking any personal touch. Taking a closer look, the incredible precision of the abstract compositions is striking. They consist of coloured areas that are partly decorated with wallpaper-like patterns. The biggest weakness of the otherwise outstanding paintings by Aurelia Gratzer is the similarity to the stringency and cleanliness of digitally generated images. The works lack all excitement or eccentrics – even if this does not make them less attractive it definitely makes them less interesting than such talent would have doubtlessly deserved. By Wolfgang Pichler Strabag Kunstforum 1120 Vienna, Donau-City Strasse 9 Tel.: +43 1 224 22 1848 Fax: +43 1 224 22 1847 Email: kunstforum@strabag.com http;//www.strabag-kunstforum.at/ Opening hours: Mon – Thu 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. – Noon
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Strabag Kunstforum
1220 Wien, Donau-City Straße 9
Tel: +43-1-224 22-1848, Fax: +43-1-224 22-1847
Email: kunstforum@strabag.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Do 9-17, Fr 9-12 h

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