
081110: Kunstraum Niederoesterreich Mit uns ist kein (national) staat zu machen (You won't make a (nation)state with us)

Kunstraum Niederoesterreich Mit uns ist kein (national) staat zu machen (You won't make a (nation)state with us) 01.10.2010 – 11.12.2010 On the State of Nations “The state is dead. Long live the state”. This statement made during the monarchy and at that time alluding to its continuity, is still very much up to date. After all, according to the most recent surveys, the nation-state, often declared dead in context with globalisation and the EU, is still considered as one of the most significant identity-establishing entities. Xenophobia and appalling asylum policies go hand in hand. The 14 artworks put together by the curators Ursula Maria Probst and Walter Seidl prove how important opposing positions in a political climate of marginalization are. The exhibition was opened prior to the Vienna elections 2010 and the timing could not have been better. Some of the participating artists have an immigrant background themselves. Anna Jermolaewa fled to Austria in 1989 from St. Petersburg. She confronts the visitor with a disturbing sound installation. “Eat! Eat! Jamjam! Jamjam!” the loudspeakers yell. The artist deals with her memories of the meal distribution at the refugee camp in Traiskirchen, where she was forced to stay when she first arrived in Austria. Ovidiu Anton relates powerfully to the prevailing mood among asylum seekers: “Killing time and observing one’s surroundings” is the title of his video and slide installation, in which he describes his father’s flight from Romania to Austria. Petja Dimitrova protests vociferously against xenophobia in his graffiti-like mural texts, while Michail Michailov’s colour pencil drawing conveys ironic undertones: African animals symbolize the fear of all things considered strange. Grouped closely together they form the geographical outline of Austria. Hansel Satos and Lena Lapschina’s approach to migration is equally humorous: while Lapschina stages asylum seekers as management experts, Sato counteracts the popular prejudice disseminated by mass media with an anti-racist paper disguised as a boulevard magazine. With this selection of artworks the curators successfully conveyed what is missing in most political debates – a differentiated view of the topics dealing with isolation and integration. Their view is not only limited to Austria and its marginalization mechanisms based on ethnic differences. This is also documented by Ana Hoffner’s contribution of a lecture performance on video, analysing topics such as identity and equal rights from an unusual perspective. By Manisha Jothady Kunstraum Niederoesterreich 1010 Vienna, Herrengasse 13 Tel: +43 1 90 42 111 Fax: +43 1 90 42 112 email: office@kunstraum.net http://www.kunstraum.net Opening hours: Tue – Fri 11 a.m. – 7 p.m., Thu 11 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sat 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Closed on Mondays, Sundays and holidays.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunstraum Niederoesterreich
1010 Wien, Herrengasse 13
Tel: +43 1 90 42 111, Fax: +43 1 90 42 112
Email: office@kunstraum.net
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-19, Sa 11-15 h

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