
030510: Freilichtmuseum Ensemble Gerersdorf Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern

Freilichtmuseum Ensemble Gerersdorf Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern 10.04.10 – 30.05.10 King Biskorabhör I Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern was among the most colourful and most famous German Art-Brut artists. And there is probably no one who is interested in Art Brut who is not familiar with his figures. But not only his figures are worth admiring, his equally bizarre and fantastic texts are also worth being read. They open a different world of poetry; they are less of an accompaniment and more of an independent statement, and often have nothing to do with the painting under which they are written, they stand for themselves, but are also part of the whole. But at times they offer information, like the lines under the painting of King Biskarabhör I, which state that he is “the lord of the world of all frogs. Triple world champion of all free and applied croak- and wiggle hops and air-snapshots of only their own very amusing motives and common methods (Sonnenstern’s beings)” – and whoever then understands what and who King Biskorabhör I is, must be a Schröder-Sonnenstern specialist. Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, born in East Prussia in 1892 as Friedrich Schröder, and who died in Berlin in 1982, had many different professions: gardener, circus boy, smuggler, groom, quack, farm worker, but he was also the founder of a sect and itinerant preacher. He spent many years in correctional institutions and mental asylums, until, at the age of 57, he began to paint. During the Nazi era he was ostracized and imprisoned, and in the prude 1950’s and 60’s he provoked scandals with his “sexist paintings”, which he unemotionally commented as being “right as well as inane for life”. The originally incapable, poor, and excluded Friedrich Schröder turned into “Sonnenstern”. He considered himself as the “best” and described himself as the “three times world champion of arts”. This is how the art world became acquainted with him. He worked with Friedensreich Hundertwasser and his drawings were presented by renowned galleries, including Springer in Berlin, Brockstedt in Hamburg, the Kestner Society in Hannover and numerous museums. He was even awarded a renowned prize for his oeuvre. A magnificent overview of his work is currently exhibited at the Freilichtmuseum Gerersdorf, and except for a few pictures, which were donated by the Gallery Brockstedt, 50 others are part of the collection of the Peter Infeld’s (Thomastik-Infeld). private foundation. The Haus der Kultur in Halbturn is currently also displaying Art-Brut and Outsider Art from Peter Infeld’s collection, including Austrian and international artists such as Madge Gill, Ida Buchmann, Martha Grünenwaldt, as well as Jean Dubuffet (the founder and initiator of Art Brut), Gaston Chaissac, André Robillard, Francoise Burland, Adolf Wölfli, Oswald Tschirtner and August Walla. The solo exhibition “Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern” is shown at the Freilichtmuseum Gerersdorf in Southern Burgenland from April 10 to May 30, 2010, and the exhibition “Art Brut / Outsider Art” is displayed at the Infeld-Haus der Kultur in Halbturn from April 17 to June 13, 2010. By Angelica Bäumer Freilichtmuseum Ensemble Gerersdorf 7542 Gerersdorf Tel: +43 3328 32255 Email: freilichtmuseum.gerersdorf@aon.at http://www.freilichtmuseum-gerersdorf.at Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9.00 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sat, Sun, and holidays: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Infeld Haus der Kultur
7131 Halbturn, Parkstraße 13
Email: weiss@infeld.net

Freilichtmuseum Ensemble Gerersdorf
7542 Gerersdorf,
Tel: +43 3328 32255
Email: freilichtmuseum.gerersdorf@aon.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Fr 9.00 -17.00, Sa, So & Feiertag 10.00 - 18.00

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