
300309: Kunstmuseum Bern: Tracey Emin – 20 Years

Kunstmuseum Bern: Tracey Emin – 20 Years More than a bed Who won the renowned Turner Prize in 1999? Well, although nominated, it wasn’t Tracey Emin. But in any case, from this moment on, the art world could not get enough of her – an artist from the Young British Artists (YBA) group, who displayed the most protected place of privacy with merciless openness: her bed. For an entire week she had lived, made love, and suffered: empty vodka bottles, full ashtrays, used condoms and tampons, underwear and dirty linen are the obvious proof. After awakening from this delirium and realizing that she could have died, she decided to present this microcosm of authenticity, the source of inspiration and essence of her art, her life, as a sculpture. And through her accessible and intelligible form of work, Tracey Enim became a star overnight. After Edinburgh and Malaga, the Kunstmuseum Bern is now the third location presenting “Tracey Enim. 20 Years”. The exhibit proves that the works by the 45-year-old are by far more than products of a shock-effect calibrated narcissist. Her explicitly autobiographical work finds its roots in a wild life, narrates its story from a female perspective, and offers many quiet nuances, which are often accompanied by sad or angry undertones, without ever wanting to arouse pity. During the 1990s, two traumatic abortions plunged the artist into a deep creative crisis. Killing a natural creation, a child, equalled the death of her creative centre, the source of her artistic expressiveness. The desire for a child and the unintended childlessness has become the focal point of her work. Bern offers the opportunity to experience contemporary art in its most intelligible and touching form. By Sylvia Mutti Kunstmuseum Bern 3000 Bern, Hodlerstrasse 12, until 14.06.09 www.kunstmuseumbern.ch
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunstmuseum Bern
3000 Bern, Hodlerstrasse 12
Tel: +41 31 328 09 44, Fax: +41 31 328 09 55
Email: info@kunstmuseumbern.ch
Öffnungszeiten: Di 10.00 - 21.00, Mi - So 10.00 - 17.00

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