
221208: Galerie Krinzinger: Bjarne Melgaard – Chickenhawk

Galerie Krinzinger: Bjarne Melgaard – Chickenhawk Bittersweet retort blood The total value of all the pieces shown at this exhibit amounts to nearly 1.25 million euro. Yes, good art is expensive, but it does not have to cost much. And the fact that rich artists with silver barbed wire jewellery are the favourite envied hate objects of a society, whose fear of poverty is suppressed, is not at all surprising. Is Mr. Melgaard’s sweat cheap enough? Maybe Philip Guston, whose paintings these days are found on book covers, would have enjoyed the large-scale dialysis paintings. The integrated phalli come across as cute, and remind of the cutout heart form often found in wooden toilet doors. And there remains the sofa landscape as well as the smaller exhibition space, which is off premises for under-aged, showing a sequence of the German TV crime thriller series „Tatort“ (crime scene). The figurative phantom, whose stage seems to take place here, reminds of literary heroes such as Dorian Gray, American Psycho, Malina, and the German film Elementarteilchen. Numerous scalpels and scissors were scattered all over the place. Money was forgotten. Is this what outsourced nightmares look like? Does a good artist owe his audience a horror plot in 3D? Did the audience deserve the shock; wasn’t the stress in the traffic jam nasty enough? It might be reconciling that the painter Bjarne Melgaard could find the nicer blood brothers in the art of painting. Galerie Krinzinger 1010 Vienna, Seilerstätte 16, until 16.01.09 www.kunstnet.at/krinzinger
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Krinzinger
1010 Wien, Seilerstätte 16
Tel: +43 1 513 30 06
Email: info@galerie-krinzinger.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 12-16 h

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