
310308: Galerie Martin Janda

Galerie Martin Janda Raum aktueller Kunst: Joe Scanlan – Creative Destruction Traveling Salesman Circular Economy “Attractive” economy Joe Scanlan, who has recently designed a modular lightweight pavilion for the large area beneath the glass cupola of the K21 in Düsseldorf, has a huge potential of creative political self-confidence. His work focuses on art, architecture, design and poetry in context with economy. In a grandiose exhibit, parts of the famous book written by the Austrian economist J. A. Schumpeter (1883 – 1950) “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”, first published in 1942, are mounted as a space-filling wall piece in the Galerie Martin Janda Raum aktueller Kunst. With his all over artwork Scanlan strongly influences the way in which visitors perceive the gallery. He construes and interprets the different stages of Schumpeter’s text by dividing it into three different shades of blue. This not only elucidates the characteristics of economic life but also the development of art. Schumpeter’s groundbreaking hypothesis on the process of “creative destruction”, which assumes that in a functioning capitalistic economy old economic structures are destroyed to create new ones, is adopted by Scanlan in such a way, that he makes the necessity of permanent change just as evident as the distinction between the respective generations of producers. Regarding the current grave economic problems in the USA, this is a praiseworthy artistic message. First, it shows that capitalism never was, or is, the result of a peaceful market growth. Secondly, the close connection between the collapse of abstract (added) value and the quantitative conception of nature becomes evident. Thirdly, to attain maximum profit, industrial capitalism has disowned the factor of straightforward (manual) work involved in direct production. In order to adapt to the necessities of a society and not vice versa, Scanlan, as a kind of traveling salesman, created uncomplicated functional art works for his exhibits - something every manufacturer in a truly democratic consumer-oriented society should aim at. Among these works is a portable folding table with publications by the artist, which are aimed at disseminating new ideas on mobility and art consumption. Scanlan pushes on with the dynamics of creative destruction by incessantly discovering new production-, display-, and distribution-niches for his art. He works like a craftsman who is so dedicated to his work that he won’t let anyone else get involved in the production process. Suddenly economics, opposed to the Theory of Marxism, receives a positive meaning, because Scanlan has enriched the term with existential intensity. Galerie Martin Janda Raum aktueller Kunst 1010 Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, until 12.04.08 www.martinjanda.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Martin Janda
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 11
Tel: +43 1 585 73 71, Fax: +43 1 585 73 72
Email: galerie@martinjanda.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa: 11-16h

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