
100208: Old Master of Modern Art

Old Master of Modern Art Hans Staudaucher on the occasion of his 85th birthday at the Galleries Hilger and Gerersdorfer One thing has to be made clear beforehand: both exhibits do not show anything new. But that expectation would have been wrong anyway - the exhibits are meant to be a tribute to this still surprisingly vital grand master of Art Informel in Austria. His abstract expressive work, which invariably conveys a strong vitality and intensity are unmistakable and unique in the Austrian as well as the international art world. This has nothing to do with intellectual claims, but with the immediate and direct expression – these being Staudacher’s strengths. Hans Staudacher found his way to abstract art long before it was standard to create abstract art in Vienna. Both of these exhibits are a tribute to how he has enriched the world of painting in Austria, and offer the rare opportunity to admire and compare the master’s work over the last four decades. His works from the 1960’s are still his most impressive – an era in which his oeuvre was rebellious and innovative. Formally his more recent work does not differ from the older pieces, but it is no longer part of the art scene-genesis. It is art that distinctly communicates that it evolved out of a stringent inner imperative. Nothing may infringe this attraction, even if the same conservative mediocre featherbrains, who only a few decades ago denied this art a right to exist, now consider it a status symbol. That is exactly why one should not miss the opportunity to see both exhibits. Galerie Ernst Hilger, until 21.02. 08 Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna www.hilger.at Galerie Gerersdorfer, until 01.03.08 Währinger Strasse 12, 1090 Vienna www.kunstnet.at/gerersdorfer
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Gerersdorfer
1090 Wien, Währinger Strasse 12
Tel: +43 1 310 84 84, Fax: +43 1 310 84 85
Email: office@gerersdorfer.at
Öffnungszeiten: Do, Fr, Sa 11-20

Galerie Ernst Hilger
1010 Wien, Dorotheergasse 5
Tel: +43 512 53 15, Fax: +43 513 91 26
Email: ernst.hilger@hilger.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-15 h

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