
200108: New Museum: Unmonumental: The Object

New Museum: Unmonumental: The Object in the 21st Century The New Museum in New York reopened on 1. December 2007 at the corner of Bowery / Prince Street and shows an exhibit that complies with current marketing standards and inflationary curator-models. “Unmonumental: The Object in the 21st Century” is the first out of four parts of the “Unmonumental” cycle, which explores the reinvention of sculptural assemblage. The New Museum’s curatorial team of Richard Flood, Massimiliano Gioni, and Laura Hoptman organized the exhibit. The museum moved from Soho to the Bowery and now consists of four stories of white cubes stacked one atop the other, separated by a large elevator. Three narrow hallways guide you around the elevator and lead to an amply designed main room, which seems rather small for American standards. The New Museum offers an architectural scenario strongly reminding of the galleries in Chelsea, amplified when you use the elevator, respectively the staircase. But unlike the Chelsea galleries, you will find similar sculptures on every floor here, all assembled with trash and everyday objects, and if you want to identify the artist you are forced to read the adjoining wall labels. Isa Genzken’s work stands out among these sculptures, and the strong European participation becomes apparent when viewing works by Sarah Lucas, Jim Lambie, and John Bock. New Museum New York 10002, NY, 235 Bowery, until 30. 03. 2008
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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New Museum
NY 10002 New York, 235 Bowery
Tel: ++1-212.219.1222
Öffnungszeiten: Mi 12-18, Do, Fr 12-22, Sa, So 12-18 h

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