
Daniel Pitin

Born 10. 5. 1977 in Prague Studies 1990-1994 Secondary School of Applied Arts, Prague, Decorative painting studio 1994-1999 Academy of Fine Arts (AVU), Prague, Classical painting studio, professor Z. Beran 1999-2001 Academy of Fine Arts (AVU), Prague, Conceptual media studio, professor M. Šejn Group exhibitions 1992 Paintings, Jemniště castle , Czech Republic 1993 Paintings, Young Artists Biennial in Altkirch, France 1993 Music-Pictures show, Alterna Komotovka, Prague 1996 Paintings, AVU Students Exhibition, Mánes, Prague 1997 Paintings, U prstenu Art gallery, Prague 1999 Paintings, U prstenu Art gallery, Prague 1999 Paintings, People of the 20th Century, Prague City Center 1999 Paintings, Young Artists Gallery, Olomouc, Czech Republic 1999/2000 Paintings, Studio exhibitions, Kolín, Czech Republic 2000 Instalation in space, 4 + 4 Days in Motion Festival, Prague 2001 Paintings, student exhibition, Lima, Peru 2001 Video installation, AVU exhibition, Mánes, Prague 2002 Video installation, AVU exhibition, Industrial Palace, Prague 2003 Video installation, Martinů Reloaded, HAMU Gallery, Prague 2003 Organization and participation on the world DV film festival, Need of Touch, Prague Individual exhibitions 1999 Paintings, Picture and Screens, AVU gallery, Prague 2003 Paintings, Art decoration, Palace of Industry, Prague 2003 Paintings, Motion Picture, FUTURA gallery, Prague Prizes and grants 1996 and 1999 Best work of the year - School prize 2000 Nomination for the Hlávka Foundation prize 2001 Studies at Nuova Academia Milan, Italy 2002 Graduation thesis At present he cooperates with Phase Visul Factory studio as a cameraman and creator of music and art videos, and he still paints.
Mehr Texte von Werner Rodlauer


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