
Seeking Director: Centre d’édition contemporaine

The Centre d’édition contemporaine (Geneva) is an institution dedicated to the production and the promotion of contemporary editions and to making exhibitions, thus bringing together the specific fields of edition and contemporary art. Several emerging or well-established artists, from Switzerland or abroad, are invited each year to make an exhibition and to produce an edition (prints, artist’s books, publications, multiples, …). The CEC presents a demanding programme and is important in its field, locally, nationally, and internationally.

The committee of the CEC association is offering to take over from February 1, 2025 the position of

Director of the Centre d’édition contemporaine (100%)

In this position, you are responsible for the artistic direction, management, and budget of the institution.

You draw up the artistic program and regularly inform the committee of the association. You are also in charge of the CEC’s communication strategy and manage a small team.

You are in the front line when it comes to deciding on the institution’s strategic direction, including financial decisions, and to ensuring the circulation of CEC’s publications, both past and future, as well as the promotion of its collection.

You represent the CEC on the local, national, and international contemporary art scene and keep editions at the heart of the institution’s identity, promoting it in relevant circles. You will cultivate a spirit of dialogue with neighbouring institutions, developing, and maintaining regular partnerships on the contemporary art scene.

Your profile
–Higher education in art history (or similar) and/or several years’ experience in the field of contemporary art
–Excellent knowledge of art, contemporary art, and the world of editions and art multiples
–Strong national and international network in contemporary art
–Proven experience of working directly with artists, as well as producing works and exhibitions
–Reliable budget management and financial planning skills
–Ability to fundraise and establish lasting links with potential patrons
–Attention to developments in issues relating to artists’ wages
–Communication and mediation skills
–Strong interpersonal skills, ability to work and communicate with a team, in an associative structure, developed sense of public relations
–Strong writing skills in at least one of the two languages, French and/or English. As French is the working language, a minimum command of French (B2 level) is required, with—in this case—a firm commitment to improving knowledge of the language
–Fluency in English (C1 level minimum), knowledge of German would be an additional asset
–Proficiency in communication tools and current office software

Working conditions and location
–Maximum-term contract: The total term of office is four years, renewable for two three-year periods, i.e. a maximum of ten years
–Employment rate: 100 percent
–Effective start date: February 1, 2025
–Place of work: rue des Rois 15, CH–1204 Geneva
–To settle in the region is mandatory

Applications include the following documents
–A cover letter (max. two pages, mentioning two referees)
–Relevant work certificates
–Curriculum vitae
–A programming concept (max. two pages)

For any further questions, please write to: comite@c-e-c.ch.

Deadline for receipt of applications: Monday August 19, 2024, midnight, electronically to the following address: comite@c-e-c.ch. Applications sent by post wil not be considered.

Application deadline: August 19, 2024

Centre d’édition contemporaine
rue des Rois 15
1204 Geneva
⤇ www.c-e-c.ch

Abbildung: View of Oriol Vilanova’s exhibition RENONCER À TE DÉCRIRE, Centre d’édition contemporaine, 2014. Courtesy of Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva. Photo: Sandra Pointet.

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