
Call for Web Residencies Akademie Schloss Solitude

First Schlosspost Web Residencies Curated by NETRO Centralization means loss of flexibility, innovativeness, and independence, the essential elements of the World Wide Web. Decentralization has just begun; it is the logical consequence of this loss and lack of options. An artist mill is a phenomenon whereby a group of artists who follow false trends are separated from the main art party; they lose the idealism track and begin to follow one another, forming a continuous cycle. The artists will eventually die of exhaustion or fall into a vegetative state. Is the decentralization of internet art a cure or just another dead end? We are looking for web installations, web performances, or web sculptures which deal with the topic »Decentralization of Internet Art.« Grant Akademie Schloss Solitude will award three web residents a micro grant of $500 to support the realization of a project during a four-week long web residency on Schlosspost. In addition to this, a short list of the best contributions will be published on Schlosspost. Application Submit your project concept in the form of: – a clickbait headline (10 words) – a concept text in English (1,000-1,500 characters incl. spaces) – a header image (high resolution, landscape format) – a short bio in English (500 characters incl. spaces) – a portfolio PDF (images, text, links) Format All formats accepted: e.g. websites, videos, writing, etc. Timeline Announcement of call: 29.01 – 14.02.2016 (2.5 weeks) Application period: 15.02 – 29.02.2016 (2 weeks) Jury selection: 01.03 – 06.03.2016 (1 week) Web residencies: 07.03 – 03.04.2016 (4 weeks) Jury Jana Lange, Art Director at Netro Internet Agency Kim Asendorf, Creative Director at Netro Internet Agency Ole Fach, Creative Director at Netro Internet Agency Submit The submission period starts on the 15th of February 2016, where we will welcome submissions via an online form here. (Application form will be open from Feb. 15 to 29) More Information:

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