
27th Brno Biennial 2016 _ Call for submissions

The cultural and political backdrop to the Brno Biennial’s origins was 1960s’ Czechoslovakia, with artists and designers asserting their right to free artistic expression while also comparing their work with that produced by their international counterparts. For over five decades, the Brno Biennial has provided a major international platform for exhibitions, discussions, and relevant accompanying programmes on the dynamically expanding field of graphic design and its importance to visual culture. The 27th Brno Biennial will examine the key phenomena of contemporary graphic design and visual communication. It will loosely follow in the tracks of the 25th edition which opened the Biennial to all forms of graphic design and in particular the previous one, thematically focused and dedicated to graphic design, education and schools. Call for International Exhibition is now open – the link to the application form Apply until Jan. 15, 2016

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